Thursday, October 22, 2015

They are finally off!!!!

After a year & 7 braces are finally gone!  I just had to share.

Before                                                         After                                            

Makes for a happy camper.....

Friday, October 9, 2015

Oh boy....I made a list

I made a list of things I want to change in my new home and it's a tad longer than I realized.  I want to put my stamp on it, make it my home, my space that when I walk in.....I'm in love.

Right now, we are not even close.  No pictures on the decorations of any kind....YET.  I want unique, a bit quirky, and things no one else has.  I've collected several original piece of painting from either myself and friends of mine; well, Steve isn't a "friend" but he was the assistant at Paint Nite and he has given me both paintings from the nights I attended.  LOVE IT.

He totally called me a con artist because the last painting....I might have pour on the charm to obtain what I wanted; which was his painting.  He's really talented.  It's funny how he painting the beginning of the season and I paint the middle or end of the season.

I'm want to have a wall of all four seasons and I have completed my collection.  Now, it's arranging them in a proper manner that's pleasing to the eye.  I also purchased a blue metal tree and it's perfect to bring all the paintings together as they are different but still have the same thing of blues and trees.

Here's my fabulous wall art.  Artist found on Etsy (

So, I'm excited to see how it all turns out.  Of course, now that I'm going to have more blues in my living room; I'm going to have to recover my throw pillows but I found a really cool way of doing it without sewing so YAH to me.

Wednesday, October 7, 2015

Should I do it?

Scott thinks I should write about book.  He says that as many books as I've read....."You should have no problem putting one together."

Part of me agrees with him as I do have some very interesting topics I could write about.

1. My Life.  People will probably think some things are totally made up but I promise if I would all be true!  100%.  However, names of others would be changed so I don't get sued and so no one else would know whom I talking about.  And those that know who they are will probably not enjoy the "fun" names they've been assigned.

2. Funny Rom-Com.  I enjoy the laugh out loud romantic type of books the best.  Everyone needs to take time to relax and not have to "think" about it....just enjoy.  And my books will wrap up as I see it; it will NEVER be left to the reader's imagination.  I mean if that was the case....they should have written the book.

3. My mom.  Her life was a novel you couldn't put down.  It would make you cry, laugh & possible angry.  It's a roller coaster ride that most people wouldn't buy a ticket for.

4. Last is on our dog, Eddie.  He adores our pup and feels that Eddie has many tales to tell.  He also wants a YouTube Channel for Eddie with voice-overs but we don't have time for it.  Would be funny though!

So, I sit and think....should I try?  Try one chapter and see how it goes?  It's a interesting prospect for sure.

Monday, October 5, 2015


I have the MOST amazing husband...a woman could not ask for more.  We have been together for 20 years and we haven't stopped the honeymoon phase of our relationship....for the most part.  There are always the days when it's not all sunshine and rainbows but most of the is as close to perfect as possible.

2015 Vacation @ Club Med - Florida

He has loved me thru some ugly periods of my life and never wavered in that unconditional love.  I'm finding myself falling more in love (didn't think that was possible) with this man.  Most of my married & unmarried girlfriends thing he should teach a class on "How To Love Her".  I'm thinking he should write a book.  Since he's not much for'd be short but it'd be a goldmine for men looking to be a better man!